As a modern maximum-care hospital with a capacity of approximately 1,540 beds, the University Hospital of Cologne is dedicated to the practice of innovative academic medical excellence and assumes important societal functions in the fields of research, education and health care. The University Hospital of Cologne provides treatment to over 340,000 patients annually, with 60,300 of them receiving inpatient care. With more than 10,700 employees from over 80 nations, the University Hospital of Cologne is one of the largest employers in Cologne and ranks among the leading university clinics in Germany.
The Clinic III for Internal Medicine – General and Interventional Cardiology, Electrophysiology, Angiology, Pneumology and Intensive Internal Medicine at the University Hospital Cologne is seeking applications for a One full-time
Postdoctoral Research Fellow / Postdoctoral Scientist (f/m/x)
to be employed under a limited-time. This position is immediately available for 24 months by Third-party funding according to WissZeitVG with a possibility of extension.
Your responsibilities will include:
The 15 projects within the TRR/SFB 259 aim to address the underlying resident and non-resident molecular and cellular mechanisms of aortic disease, with a particular focus on aortic valve stenosis, aortic aneurysm, and aortic dissection. To date, the only treatments available for aortic disease have been surgical, invasive, and reactionary, thus, earlier indicators of disease are desperately needed. With this in mind, projects were selected for this consortium to collaboratively address the following fundamental questions:
1) What are the key cellular players in the innate and adaptive immune processes that are involved in aortic disease?
2) Which danger signals, mediators, and cytokines govern the pathological interaction between circulating cells and resident cells?
3) Which specific signaling pathways in interstitial smooth muscle cells drive aortic disease?
4) How do resident cell death pathways influence aortic wall inflammation and extracellular matrix composition? 5) Which are the underlying genes involved in human aortic disease?
The DFG Transregio SFB 259 „Aortic Disease“ invites applicants from enthusiastic, motivated individuals for the Research Group B05 within the Transregio SFB 259 „Necroptosis in aortic aneurysm disease – significance of inflammation in MLKL-dependent cell death“ of Prof. Manolis Pasparakis and Dr. Matti Adam.
Minimum qualifications:
The applicant is required to hold a Ph.D. in biology, molecular biology, biochemistry or a related field, and have a strong track record of relevant experience demonstrated by first author publication(s). Candidates with a strong interest in immunology, vascular disease and/or cell death pathways who have a high level of competence in basic cell-biological methods are encouraged to apply. Furthermore, the position requires experience in mouse handling and mouse models and the ability to independently drive a research project in a collaborative team with supervision and support of participating scientists of the TRR/SFB 259.
We offer:
· Workshops, seminars, and retreats specific for the TRR/SFB 259
· Numerous “soft skills” courses on scientific communication, project management, etc.
· Subsidized public transport (“Jobticket”) is available
· The possibility to use the university day care center
· Supplementary benefits in the public sector (pension plan according to VBL)
Your salary will be based on TV-L.
Applications from female candidates are expressly welcome and will be given priority in the event of equal suitability, competence and professional performance.
People with disabilities are welcome to apply and will be treated preferentially in the event of equal suitability and qualification.
The position is suitable for staffing with part-time employees.
Further information is available on the internet at https://kardiologie.uk-koeln.de/.
Please address telephone enquiries to Dr. Martin Mollenhauer at +49 221 478-87402.
Have we awakened your interest? Please submit your application (including a detailed CV, list of publications, two references and a brief statement of research interests). If so, please sendyour informative and full application using the online form on our “Careers” site www.uk-koeln.de/karriere/stellenangebote by 9. February 2020.
We prefer on-line applications as they accelerate the application process.
If applying on-line should not be feasible for you, obviously, you can send in your application by surface mail. In that case please address your application to:
Uniklinik Köln
Geschäftsbereich Personal
Number of job posting: V000001594
50924 Köln