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時間:2020-04-26來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名


  The ALS Center for Cell Therapy and Regeneration Research at Johns Hopkins is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to participate in research utilizing human induced pluripotent stem cell models of neurodegenerative disease, with an emphasis on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The fellowship will use stem cell methodologies to both investigate disease pathogenesis as well as evaluate potential therapeutics. There is also a programmatic interest in the investigation of astrocyte-mediated contributions to the progression of disease in ALS with an emphasis on iPSC-derived astrocyte biology and electrophysiology. There is a strong translational component to this research with the goal of bringing laboratory discoveries to ALS patients. Several candidate compounds are currently being evaluated using an ALS human iPSC-derived astrocyte/motor neuron platform.

  Preference will be given to candidates whose research is related to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders and/or stem cell biology.

  Interested candidates should have a Ph.D. or M.D. degree, and a demonstrated capacity to perform creative and original research. Interested applicants should send their resumes by email to Nicholas J. Maragakis at nmaragak@jhmi.edu



