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時間:2020-07-20來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) is a unique non-university research center which is dedicated to the subject dementia and all its areas, as well as other neurodegenerative diseases. The center encompasses the full spectrum of fundamental research through population sciences to health care research. The DZNE stands for excellence in research and science management, translation of scientific results into practice, interdisciplinarity and internationalization. It is a research center within the Helmholtz Organization of German research centers. With over 1.000 employees from 60 nations, spread over 10 sites, the DZNE is one of the national and international leading research centers in its research field.

The research group “Dynamics of Neuronal Circuits” at the DZNE in Bonn is recruiting a

Postdoc (f/m/d) – Code 1826/2020/6

The research group “Dynamics of Neuronal Circuits”, led by Prof. Dr. Gaia Tavosanis, focuses on the development and adult plasticity of the nervous system. We investigate the cellular mechanism underlying the differentiation of neurons and the capacity of remodelling of the adult nervous system at the cellular and circuit level. For this, we combine multiple approaches ranging from classical genetics in Drosophila and molecular biology to high-resolution in vivo microscopy, functional imaging and behavioural paradigms (https://www.dzne.de/en/research/research-areas/fundamental-research/research-groups/tavosanis/research-areasfocus/).

The position will be available in the lab starting from September 2020. Potential projects will focus on:

a) The cellular mechanisms that support the differentiation of neuronal dendrites (see Stuerner et al., Development 2019). This project will combine the generation of molecular tools for acute manipulation of protein activity with high-resolution in vivo microscopy. We will closely cooperate with neuronal morphology modelling groups.

b) The circuit mechanisms that support the consolidation of memories in the adult fly brain. Combining detailed anatomical insight and refined genetic tools to manipulate identified neurons, you will investigate how experience and learning modify a circuit’s output. This project is embedded within the frame of the DFG-funded research unit FOR 2705 that includes highly interactive groups with complementary expertise (https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/601524.html).

Your profile

• A strong interest in Neuroscience

• Previous experience in fly genetics, imaging, fly behaviour and functional imaging is preferred, but not a strict requirement

• Basic experience in programming will be of advantage

• The lab language is English

We offer

• A challenging task in a research center that works on the future topics of health research

• An international environment characterized by a strong focus on science and research

• A high potential for the individual development of our employees

• Employment, payment and social benefits are consistent with those at other research institutes

You will obtain special skills and knowledge for your scientific qualification during your activities at DZNE. The DZNE is an equal opportunity employer. It is committed to employing disabled individuals and especially encourages them to apply. Highly motivated candidates are welcome to apply with a short letter of intent and their CV including publications and two references.

Please apply via: https://jobs.dzne.de/en/jobs/50580/form



