Job Description
PD: Realization and physics of hybrid photon-spintronic devices
(Post-doctoral) Researcher
Department of Applied Physics
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Job description
The main subject of research is the realization and experimental study of photonic waveguides with nanostructured ferromagnetic claddings for added spintronic functionality, using state of the art fabrication and characterisation methods. Added functionality will include current-induced chiral magnetic domain wall motion in (synthetic-) ferrimagnetic structures, magneto-optical mode conversion and all-optical switching of magnetization using ps light pulses. The postdoc will take the lead in this research, to be implemented together with several PhD students within the larger NWO Gravitation research project on Integrated NanoPhotonics of the Applied Physics and Electronic Engineering departments at the Eindhoven University of Technology.
This project will be carried out in the group Physics of Nanostructure at the department of Applied Physics of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The position is part of the Gravitation project on Integrated NanoPhotonics.
The fascinating possibility to combine on-chip photonics, spintronic functionality and magneto-optical conversion and in a single device directly combining high bandwidth data transport and storage may have a huge impact on the realization of future data and memory architectures. The recent demonstrations of highly efficient current-induced chiral domain wall motion in ferrimagnetic structures and the single-pulse all-optical-switching of magnetic domains bring this prospect one step further to reality. In the Gravitation project on Integrated Nanophotonics at the TU/e and the Integrated Photonics Institute (IPI) we are exploring this multi-disciplinary approach, which could add a revolutionary functionality to photonic circuits whilst breaking ground in the fundamentals of current induced domain wall motion in ferrimagnetic material systems.
Job requirements
For this function we are looking for a talented and highly motivated candidate, with either a physics or an electrical engineering background with demonstrated affinity with experimental physics. The candidate should hold a recently obtained PhD degree when starting the position. Experience in the field of nanomagnetism / spintronics, (ultrafast) magneto-optics, and/or hybrid photonic approaches is required and the candidate should display the creativity and drive to explore the integration of novel magneto-optical and chiral domain-wall developments into photonic integrated circuits. Candidates must prove a strong attitude towards experimental physics and the drive and capacity to tackle different aspects of a complex problem with large independence. The position is for two years and is embedded in a larger research cluster with other partners.
Conditions of employment
a challenging job in a dynamic and ambitious university and a stimulating internationally renowned research environment;
full-time temporary appointment for 2 years;
gross salary between € 3.255 per month and € 3.637 per month (depending on background and work experience);
Additionally, 8% holiday and 8.3% end-of-year annual supplements;an extensive package of fringe benefits (e.g. excellent technical infrastructure, the possibility of child care and excellent sports facilities).