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時間:2020-08-27來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名


Job Description

Our Jobs

Post-Doctoral Fellow in Tumor Immune Evasion - CT0820

Post-Doctoral Fellow in Tumor Immune Evasion - CT0820

84, rue Val Fleuri, Luxembourg L-1526, Luxembourg

24/08/2020 17:35:12 Background information

Recently, we demonstrated in vitro that a subpopulation of breast cancer cells responds to natural killer cell attack with a quick and massive accumulation of actin in the region of the immunological synapse, a process we called the "actin response". Inhibition of the actin response was sufficient to convert resistant breast cancer cells into a highly susceptible phenotype. From a mechanistic standpoint, we found that the actin response protects target cells from apoptosis by decreasing intracellular levels of a key cytotoxic protease, namely granzyme B, secreted by natural killer cells. Our pioneering study on the role of actin cytoskeleton in tumor immune evasion has been published in Cancer Research (Al Absi et al. , 2018 Cancer Research. 78: 5631-5643).

The project

You will work on a newly process that protects tumor cells against cytotoxic lymphocytes (NK and CD8+ T cells). The experimental work will focus on two main axes: 1) validation of our in vitro data in mouse models (both natural killer and cytotoxic T cells’ contributions will be considered) and 2) identification of clinically-relevant targets to inhibit the actin response (in collaboration with the proteomic platform of LIH). The goal is to provide a solid ground for translating our pioneering data on actin-driven immune evasion into innovative clinical applications aimed at restoring an effective anti-tumor response and/or to improving the efficacy of current immunotherapies.


Successful PhD or previous Post-Doctoral position in the area of immunology (ideally onco-immunology).

Hands-on experience in experimental lab work using immune and cancer cell models.

Solid experience in (imaging) flow cytometry, and if possible cell imaging approaches.

Experience in animal experimentation and protocols related to the project, i.e. immune system and/or cancer (Felasa C certificate).

Keen to contribute to developing a new research axis on immune evasion mechanisms. Follow-up applications (+2-4 years) will be prepared and submitted with the group leader.

Languages skills: fluent command of English.



