Job Description
The Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, invites qualified applicants for two 2-year postdoc positions offering applicants to join the research and development within the research group Green Biorefining Technologies in the section of Biological and Chemical Engineering. Both positions will take part in several research projects, both national and international, and the candidate is expected to take part in teaching and supervision of students at the BSc, MSc and PhD levels as well as developing new projects and write applications for funding bodies.
The position is available from November 1 or as soon as possible
Research area The chosen candidates will play an active role in developing applied research within the interdisciplinary platform for green biorefining at Aarhus University. The goal of the platform is to develop and optimize biomass conversion processes for locally produced protein feed/food from green leafy biomass and investigate, develop and optimizing the use and applications of process side streams. The Green Biorefining Technologies research group has an established and running demonstration platform for green biorefining, capable of processing at a 10 ton biomass per hour -scale, and a large project portfolio covering the whole biorefinery value chain. The candidate will be a part of a dedicated team, bringing new technologies from laboratory- to pilot- and demonstration scale, while optimizing each unit operation and the integrated process through detailed chemical analysis and modelling.
Main focus of postdoc no. I: Conversion of fibrous agricultural side streams, especially grasses and legumes, into valuable sugars for further biochemical conversion and valuable fibres for biomaterials. Including pretreatment and pulping, enzymatic treatments, and biochemical conversion, as well as detailed chemical- and biochemical analysis of biomass samples. Process development, optimization and process integration are important deliverables, and the candidate will work together with demonstration scale process engineers to up-scale these processes for biomass conversion and integrate them into the existing demonstration platform..
Main focus of postdoc no. II: Technology development within biomass processing for sustainable biotextile production, modification, functionalization and recycling, including biopolymer/cellulose extraction, - solubilization, -fibrillation, -regeneration and fiber spinning. The biomass will mainly come from the green biorefining process, but can also include other biomass resources. The postdoc will be a key person in the build-up of a new biotextile research area at AU ENG establishing and maintaining collaborations with national and international partners in the textile industry along the textile value chain in close connection to the Green Biorefining Platform..
Postdoc no. I: The ideal candidate has an engineering background within biorefinery research and experience with pretreatment technology and enzyme technology. Practical experience in processing of biomass and excellent skills within compositional and structural analysis of biomass and familiar with analytical tools such as HPLC, GC, GPC. Qualifications:
Experience in pretreatment technologies.
Experience in process engineering.
Experience in processing of green biomass.
Academic qualifications at PhD level preferably within biorefining.
Documentation of excellent skills within a relevant research area.
Good skills in communication of research results internationally as evidenced by publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Experience in supervising students and teaching at a high academic level will also be a merit.
Postdoc no. II: The ideal candidate has a cross disciplinary background in biotextile technology development and biorefinery research and practical experience with biomass conversion technologies for biotextile production. Qualifications:
Experience in biomass conversion technologies for biotextile production.
Demonstrated knowledge on textile materials in a life cycle perspective, regarding properties and performance, technically, physically, chemically and environmentally. Good network/collaborations in the textile industry and knowledge environment, national and internationally
Academic qualifications at PhD level.
Documentation of excellent fundraising competences
Excellent skills in communication at both academic and public levels
Experience in supervising students and teaching at a high academic level will also be a merit.
About the Biological and Chemical Engineering Section
Biological and Chemical Engineering is a multidisciplinary research area. It includes disease and health, materials, environmental technologies, biorefining, energy technologies and food and ingredient technology. The research at the Biological and Chemical Engineering Section at Department of Engineering is based on both theoretical and experimental methods, and include the design, development, operation, monitoring, control, and optimization of chemical, physical and biological processes. Department of Engineering holds a special position of international strength in scientific activities related to biogas energy, biorefining, agricultural emissions, lipid technology, polymer and membrane technology, protein engineering and biosynthesis. In addition, the Biological and Chemical Engineering section conducts public sector consultancy on agricultural challenges such as Air Quality Engineering and Biorefining. The Biological and Chemical Engineering Section is part of the Science and Technology Faculty Interdisciplinary Centre WATEC (water treatment technologies), CBIO (circular bioeconomy), iFOOD (food technology), iMAT (advanced materials), iLIFE (biophysics and imagining), iClimate (climate change).
The place of work is Hangøvej 2, 8200 Aarhus and the area of employment is Aarhus University, Department of Engineering, Section of Biological and Chemical Engineering.
Further information about the position may be obtained from / For further information please contact: Assistant Professor, PhD Morten Ambye-Jensen, phone: +45 93508009, e-mail: maj@eng.au.dk.
A process has been initiated in terms of reorganizing of engineering at AU. Read more here: https: // eng.au.dk/en/news-and-events/news/show/artikel/new- organisation-to-strengthen-engineering-at-aarhus-university-1/
Application procedure Shortlisting is used. This means that after the deadline for applications – and with the assistance from the assessment committee chairman, and the appointment committee if necessary, – the head of department selects the candidates to be evaluated. All applicants will be notified whether or not their applications have been sent to an expert assessment committee for evaluation. The selected applicants will be informed about the composition of the committee, and each applicant is given the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that concerns him/her self. Once the recruitment process is completed a final letter of rejection is sent to the deselected applicants.
Letter of reference If you want a referee to upload a letter of reference on your behalf, please state the referee’s contact information when you submit your application. We strongly recommend that you make an agreement with the person in ques-tion before you enter the referee’s contact information, and that you ensure that the referee has enough time to write the letter of reference before the application deadline. Unfortunately, it is not possible to ensure that letters of reference received after the application deadline will be taken into consideration.
Formalities and salary range Technical Sciences refers to the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
The application must be in English and include a curriculum vitae, degree certificate, a complete list of publications, a statement of future research plans and information about research activities, teaching portfolio and verified information on previous teaching experience (if any). Guidelines for applicants can be found here.
Appointment shall be in accordance with the collective labour agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. Further information on qualification requirements and job content may be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities.
Salary depends on seniority as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Confederation of Professional Associations.
All interested candidates are encouraged to apply, regardless of their personal background. Research activities will be evaluated in relation to actual research time. Thus, we encourage applicants to specify periods of leave without research activities, in order to be able to subtract these periods from the span of the scientific career during the evaluation of scientific productivity.