Staff scientist - Helmholtz project
The position
Within the CMS experiment, perform and coordinate analyses of data collected in proton-proton collisions at the LHC, focused on jet and top quark pair production
Develop and apply novel techniques for jet and top quark analyses, as well as improve the underlying reconstruction algorithms, based on machine learning techniques for Run III and the High Luminosity LHC
Take responsibilities for performance and upgrade studies in the CMS experiment
Contribute to development and support of phenomenology and QCD analysis tools
Collaborate with theory groups and with the ATLAS experiment
Contribute to supervision of students and young researchers in the group
University education in experimental or theoretical particle physics with PhD in experimental particle physics or equal qualification
Expertise in research in experimental particle physics at the LHC with focus on the data analysis in physics of top quark, jet and/or electroweak boson production, supported by publications in these areas
Track record in applying state-of-the art statistics and data analysis techniques
Experience in tracking, lepton or b-Quark identification with state-of-the art machine learning techniques
Experience in Linux operating systems, C++, python, low-level knowledge of common machine learning frameworks and related GPU programming
Excellent organizational and communication skills, experience in coordination and student supervision
Experience of working in international teams