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時間:2020-11-23來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

Post Doctoral Associate

University of Louisville (UofL)

Louisville, KY, United States

Postdoctoral Associate (Job Id: 40086)

Department: Medicine Dept

Category: Faculty – Science – Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Job ID: 40086

Location: Medicine Dept

Minimum Qualifications


Ph. D. in molecular cardiology with at least two years of applied research experience in a related field. Salary commensurate with experience.

Position Description

Dr. Tamer Mohamed’s Laboratory within the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, UofL (https://louisville.edu/medicine/departments/medicine/divisions/cardiology/experts/mohamed-tamer) is looking to recruit a post-doctoral researcher with previous experience in cardiovascular research. The candidate will be required to have molecular biology experience. The qualified candidate is required to have Ph.D. degree. The candidate will be expected to lead and perform research projects as well as preparing written reports from research studies to disseminate information to Professional colleagues, and other interested groups and organizations in form of manuscripts, poster presentations and oral presentations. Therefore, candidate with previous first author publication records will be given priority. The candidate is expected to perform other lab duties such as monitoring data collection and analysis for research studies, training graduate and undergraduate students. Candidates with a background in cardiac physiology, pathophysiology and cell cycle will be given a priority.

Technical Key Responsibilities, Accountabilities or Duties

You will take responsibility for the phenotypic analysis of mutant mice using a wealth of techniques that encompass molecular, biochemical and histological approaches. You will perform isolation of adult and neonatal cardiomyocytes, as well as generation of hiPS-CMs and recombinant adenoviruses. You will perform several genomics and transcriptomics analyses in addition to numerous molecular, biochemical and imaging techniques which will be used to investigate the underlying mechanisms of cardiomyocyte cell cycle induction.

You will be expected to:

• Possess good general molecular biological/physiological skills and be aware of, andfamiliar with the use of transgenic animal models

• Perform appropriate genotyping of offspring

• Isolate and culture cardiomyocytes both from neonatal and adult animals

• Develop and refine techniques as appropriate

• Analyse and interpret data and make a significant input to the scientific direction of the project

• Actively read the scientific literature relating to (and around) the project

• Be prepared to present work at national and international meetings

• Produce work of suitable quality for publication in peer-reviewed journals

• Take an active part in group meetings, and to make presentations at these when required

• Assist in supervision of PhD and undergraduate students when requested

• Perform routine laboratory tasks and duties

• Keep good general records and work with all levels of staff


You will join vibrant research laboratories with access to state-of-the-art equipment within the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Louisville. This Division places considerable emphasis on the provision of personal and transferable skills at all levels thereby providing an important interface between research and education. The postdoctoral training program includes a series of workshops encompassing interview/interviewing skills, appraisal skills, presentation and writing skills.

For informal inquiries please send your CV and cover letter to tamer.mohamed@louisville.edu


