Job Description
Research Assistant (Additive manufacturing), UCD School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 12 months – Ideally commencing in January 2021
Applications are invited for a temporary post of a Research Assistant within UCD School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering.
The I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre was established by Science Foundation Ireland in late 2017 with a mission to shape the future of manufacturing through high-impact research into the application of digital technologies to materials processing. The Centre is applying developments in digital technologies to materials processing in order to improve understanding, modelling and control of the manufacturing process, thus increasing the competitiveness of Irish industry. I-Form brings together expertise in materials science, engineering, data analytics and cognitive computing. One of our key materials processing demonstrators is the area of Additive Manufacturing or 3D printing which has the potential to disrupt traditional manufacturing and create new and individualised in areas such as medical devices, aerospace and pharmaceuticals. I-Form operates in close collaboration with a network of companies, as well as leading manufacturing research centres from around the globe and over the course of its first phase will recruit a multi-disciplinary team of over 100 PhD and Post-Doctoral researchers. The Centre is hosted in University College Dublin with partners and researchers based in Dublin City University, Trinity College Dublin, Maynooth University, NUI Galway, IT Sligo and Waterford IT.
The overall objective of this project is to carry out Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) studies on composite parts and evaluate their performance. In order to achieve this objective, the research will firstly focus on investigating the influence of processing conditions on the material and mechanical properties of the 3D printed parts. In addition to composite printing some metal printing studies will also be carried out to facilitate the fabrication of fittings. These printing studies will be carried out using the selective laser sintering technique.
The 3D printed test parts will be fabricated using a range of different FFF printer systems, including those with robotic control. Test samples will be printed to facilitate three-point bend and tensile testing. The plan is that the researcher will work closely with the projects industry partners in the application of the developed technology at their production facility.
Applications are sought from excellent candidates with a background in some, or all, of the above areas. This position will involve a significant level of interaction with the project's industrial partners.
Salary: €23,061 -€35,922 per annum Appointment on the above range will be dependent on qualifications and experience
Closing date: 17:00hrs (local Irish time) on 30 November 2020.
Applications must be submitted by the closing date and time specified. Any applications which are still in progress at the closing time of 17:00hrs (Local Irish Time) on the specified closing date will be cancelled automatically by the system. UCD are unable to accept late applications.