Postdoctoral Researcher
Universities And Institutes Of Italy
Organisation/Company: Sapienza University of Rome
Research Field: Engineering › Other
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline: 29/04/2021 11:00 - Europe/Athens
Location: Italy › Rome
Type Of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 35
Eu Research Framework Programme: H2020
Post-Doc position on first principles modelling of tip-enhanced spectroscopies for real time quality testing of electronic materials and devices.
We offer a one year post-doc position, eventually renewable up to a total of three years, in Sapienza University of Rome , Department of Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering- Rome, Italy, for an open minded and enthusiastic scientist experienced in ab-initio calculations of materials properties and with proven competence in the first principles modeling of vibrational and optical spectroscopy of materials based on the Density Functional Theory.
The selected scientist will be involved in the “Challenges” project financed by the EU with the final goal to define novel tip enhanced experimental and technical strategies for real time quality testing of semiconducting materials and devices.
The project plan includes a leading experimental activity concerning the synthesis and characterization of novel AFM tips for tip enhanced Raman spectroscopy fully compatible with the semiconductors and electronic devices production lines, and and campaign of experimental testing of the these new tips.
Simulations are planned as supporting activity for the experimental counterpart to interpret the results and orient the experimentalists to the choice of optimal tips materials and geometry.
In this context, first principles modeling of the materials optical properties, plasmons and enhanced Raman spectra are crucial as a reference for the interpretation of the experiments, and the choice and optimization of the materials.
Due to the above context of the Challenges project, the candidate should possess good communication skills and the capacity to work in a multidisciplinary team including experimental, technical and industrial counterparts.
We require a degree in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering or equivalent, a PhD and a proven experience , testified by a robust publication list, in DFT based ab-initio calculations of semiconductors, alloys or oxides materials properties, especially focusing on vibrational and spectroscopic quantities, approached mainly through many body and density functional perturbation theories or time dependent DFT.
Preference will be for candidates with experience in scientific programming and the usage of the Quantum-Espresso suite (or similar) and related many- body suites for electronic properties (e.g Quantum Espresso, Yambo or similar).
The complete call is available at the following link: https: // information on Challenges Project are avilable here: https: // www.
Deadline: 29/04/2021