Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Unit of Biomedicine
University of Oulu
Applications are invited for a full-time Postdoctoral Researcher position until the end of 2023, starting at the earliest on August 1st, 2022, in a Biocenter Oulu research project headed by Professor Risto Kerkelä and Professor Juhani Junttila in the Research Unit of Biomedicine, Faculty of Medicine.
Our research focuses on molecular mechanisms and genetics regulating development of cardiac fibrosis, heart failure and sudden cardiac death. We study cardiac samples from victims of sudden cardiac death (SCD) to identify genetic factors regulating development of cardiac fibrosis and study the clinical characteristics of mutation carrier family members in order to find applicable clinical markers which can be used to identify subjects at risk for SCD. We will then utilize cell models and genetically engineered mice to study the role of the factors identified in regulating cardiac fibrosis. The Research Unit of Biomedicine offers a lively research environment with strong experience in Ph.D. training, fully equipped up-to-date laboratory space and equipment for physiological analyses of cardiac structure and function.
Requirements To successfully occupy the position of a Postdoctoral Researcher, the candidate must possess a doctoral degree preferably in the field of medicine, biochemistry, cell biology, or related fields. Degree must have been completed by July 31st, 2022. Ability to pursue independent research and excellent writing and fluency in English is expected. We also hope the applicant to be familiar with basis of pharmacology and toxicology.
The salary will be initially set on level 5, and later on levels 5 – 6 of the national salary scale for the teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a supplementary remuneration is given for personal achievement and performance (max. 50 %). In practice, the salary is roughly 3,500 – 3,800 € per month, depending on the appointee's qualifications and prior experience. A six-month trial period is applied in the position.
Application Applications must be submittedusing the electronic application form by May 1 st, 2022, 23:59 (Finnish local time), with the following attachments as four separate pdf files:
Complete CV according to the guidelines of the Finnish Board on Research Integrity (https: // containing contact information of at least two referees (max. size limit of the attachment: 5 Mbytes)
List of publications according to the guidelines of the Academy of Finland (https: // www.
Motivation letter (max. 1 page) describing prior knowledge and research interests and career plans (1 – 2 pages; max. size limit of the attachment: 2 Mbytes).
Certificates/Diplomas : Scanned electronic copies of diplomas and transcripts of the records of relevant previous degrees. If the original documents are not in English, Finnish, or Swedish, each document must be accompanied by an official certified translation into English or Finnish (max. size limit of the attachment: 2 Mbytes)
NOTE: Applications sent by email will not be considered.
Other relevant information The eligible applicants fitting best in the research profile expected for the position may be invited to an on-site or remote interview. All applicants will be notified when the selection process is completed.
Contact Prof. Risto Kerkelä, e-mail: