Post-doctoral assistant
Ghent University
Co-developing and writing exhibition catalogue entries on the individual folios of Francesco di Giorgio's Opusculum de' architectura (autograph, c. 1475).
Examining copy-manuscripts related to Francesco di Giorgio's autograph Opusculum in central Italian collections, with particular attention to (1) confirming recorded information on date, number of folios/images, provenance, and physical characteristics; (2) establishing a typology of copy-types; and (3) situating the manuscripts within a greater contextual framework of architectural production and information exchange.
Assisting in the development of a digital database of Francesco di Giorgio's Opusculum ; communicating with experts in digital humanities and database development.
Occasional involvement with digital modeling class dedicated to the production of 3-D models of the Opusculum machines.
Possible collaboration in the creation and installation of a student-study exhibition of produced 3-D machine models.
Co-developing detailed exhibition proposal and planning timeline.
Active assistance in establishing museum collaborator(s).
You hold a Ph.D. degree in art history, architectural history or a related historical discipline.
You have extensive contextual knowledge of the early modern period (1400-1700), with particular focus on the Italian peninsula.
You have (theoretical and practical) expertise in the field of exhibition development.
You are interested in research that examines copying processes and the dissemination of practical knowledge in the early modern period.
You are interested to explore the connections between the history of art and architecture and the history of science.
You have familiarity working with archives and special library collections, with particular attention to the examination and handling of rare manuscripts.
You are fluent in English.
You have at minimum at strong reading knowledge of Italian.
We offer you a part-time (80%) contract of definite duration for a period of one year.
Your contract will start on 1/11/2022 at the earliest.
Your remuneration will be determined by salary scale WM1 to WM4 (if you hold a Master's degree) or salary scale PD1 to PD4 (if you hold a doctorate). Click here for more information about our salary scales.
All Ghent University staff members enjoy a number of benefits, such as a wide range of training and education opportunities, 36 days of holiday leave (on an annual basis for a full-time job) supplemented by annual fixed bridge days, a bicycle allowance and eco vouchers. Click here for a complete overview of all the staff benefits (in Dutch).
For more information about this vacancy, please contact Prof. Elizabeth Merrill ( , +32(0)494 04 52 42). Important: do NOT send your application by email, but apply online.