Postdoctoral Position (f/m/d) Axion Haloscopes
Max Planck Institute for Physics
Postdoctoral Position (f/m/d) Axion Haloscopes
The Max-Planck-Institute for Physics (MPP) is a research institute focusing on particle and astroparticle physics from both an experimental and a theoretical perspective.
Within the framework of the ERC starting grant 802836 "AxScale" and the Lise Meitner Group “In search of a new, light physics” we invite applications for aPostdoctoral Position (f/m/d)
for the work on axion haloscopes at RADES and the future babyIAXO magnet.
The successful candidate is expected to take a major role in running of demonstrators for axion haloscopes (in the RADES group in Germany, at CERN and in Spain) and building and the setting up of a local experiment. A contribution to other projects in the research group at part-time is also possible.
Candidates must hold or be near completion of a PhD in experimental or theoretical particle physics or equivalent at the time of recruitment. A person with previous experience in radio-frequency applications, cryogenic set-ups or low background/noise techniques would be ideal. Expertise with data analysis for hep experiments is an advantage.
The position is initially limited to a period of two years. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the German public service pay scale (TVöD Bund).
The Max Planck Society strives for gender equality and diversity. The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.
For questions concerning the position offered, please contact Babette Döbrich (dobrich@mpp.mpg.de). Interested scientists should send their applications (including a CV and a statement of research interests) until March 1, 2023, exclusively via our online application portal. Please provide two names and contact details of persons who will be providing reference letters. We are looking forward to your online application.
Max Planck Institute for Physics
Human Resources
Föhringer Ring 6
D-80805 Munich
Postdoctoral Position (f/m/d) Axion Haloscopes
The Max-Planck-Institute for Physics (MPP) is a research institute focusing on particle and astroparticle physics from both an experimental and a theoretical perspective.
Within the framework of the ERC starting grant 802836 "AxScale" and the Lise Meitner Group “In search of a new, light physics” we invite applications for a
Postdoctoral Position (f/m/d)
for the work on axion haloscopes at RADES and the future babyIAXO magnet.
The successful candidate is expected to take a major role in running of demonstrators for axion haloscopes (in the RADES group in Germany, at CERN and in Spain) and building and the setting up of a local experiment. A contribution to other projects in the research group at part-time is also possible.
Candidates must hold or be near completion of a PhD in experimental or theoretical particle physics or equivalent at the time of recruitment. A person with previous experience in radio-frequency applications, cryogenic set-ups or low background/noise techniques would be ideal. Expertise with data analysis for hep experiments is an advantage.
The position is initially limited to a period of two years. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the German public service pay scale (TVöD Bund).
The Max Planck Society strives for gender equality and diversity. The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.
For questions concerning the position offered, please contact Babette Döbrich (dobrich@mpp.mpg.de). Interested scientists should send their applications (including a CV and a statement of research interests) until March 1, 2023, exclusively via our online application portal. Please provide two names and contact details of persons who will be providing reference letters. We are looking forward to your online application.
Max Planck Institute for Physics
Human Resources
Föhringer Ring 6
D-80805 Munich