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時(shí)間:2023-11-13來(lái)源:中國(guó)博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名


Postdoctoral Fellow – Aging in Cancer

H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center

Job Description

Aging is the most robust risk factor for cancer development, with more than 60% of cancer incidence occurring in those aged 65 and above. Despite this, both the pre-clinical research that leads to the identification of and the clinical trials that lead to approval of anti-cancer drugs by the FDA largely overlooks the role of the aging process in cancer.

As the organism ages, cells lose their ability to function or begin to function abnormally throuout the body; byproducts and waste molecules build up in circulation and within tissues, connective tissue changes and becomes stiffer conditioning blood flow and oxygen intake, damage to building blocks of a cell (e.g. DNA, proteins, lipids) accumulate. Thus, as a whole an old organism is a different molecular entity than a young one, and tumors developing in aged hosts evolving in different ways than tumors developing in young ones its corollary. Recent work by Dr. Gomes has provided proof for this concept by demonstrating that treatment of established cancer cells with old human serum is sufficient to promote aggressive properties and propensity to metastasize (Gomes et al., Nature 2020). This puts the aging process at the center stage of tumorigenesis coordinating the different aspects required for the evolution of malignant phenotypes.

Research in the Gomes Laboratory at H. Lee Moffit Cancer Center, Tampa, FL is centered around this new paradigm: that tumor progression and drug resistance are shapped by the global deregulation of the aged host. Ultimately the overarching goal of the Gomes lab is to establish a framework for cancer that accounts for the organismal reprogramming that occurs with aging to allow for the development of more efficacious and age appropriate therapeutic strategies. To learn more about the Gomes lab visit our lab website at http://lab.moffitt.org/gomes.

Position Highlights:

· Joining a new field of research with many opportunities to grow within the field

· Utilizing cutting-edge technologies (e.g., single cell analyses, metabolomic/proteomics) as platforms of discovery

· Working within a multidisciplinary team (emcompassing immunologists, bioinformaticians, tumor biologists and clinicians) with plenty of room to learn new skills

· Moffitt integrates excellent patient care with cutting-edge clinical and basic research. Having a cancer hospital on-site provides unique opportunities for translational research.

· Working closely with Dr. Gomes on the postdoctoral fellow’s career development (e.g., grant/manuscript writing, scienfitic presentations, networking)

The Ideal Candidate:

· Independent and highly motivated with a proven track record of scientific productivity

· Excellent communication skills and ability to work collaboratively in a team

· Experience with single cell analyses is highly desirable

· Experience with R and/or python is also highly desirable

· Experience with mouse models of cancer is also highly desirable


· Work independently and collaboratively for the mission of the lab

· Design and execute experiments; analyse and interpret data

· Regularly present findings to the lab and to the Moffitt community

· Attend and present findings to the scientific community in conferences

· Mentor and train graduate and undergraturate students

· Write manuscripts, postdoctoral fellowships and assist with other funding applications

Credentials and Qualifications:

· MD or PhD, preferably not received more than two years ago

How to Apply:

Interested applicants should send a single PDF file that includes a cover letter summarizing their research training and accomplishments, scientific interests and career goals, current CV with publication record, and contact information for three references to Dr. Ana Gomes at ana.gomes@moffitt.org



