We are seeking highly motivated postdoctoral research fellows/research associates to join our laboratory to study molecular networks in human and model organisms. The candidates must be able to independently design and carry out computational analyses or biological experiments.
The research interests of the lab can be found athttp://www.picb.ac.cn/~jdhan.
For the computational side, a candidate must have a Ph.D. degree in computer science/mathematics/engineering/biology and extensive training in statistics or computational modeling or fluent in graph searching and analysis algorithms.
For the experimental side, a candidate must have a Ph.D. degree in molecular/cell/developmental biology and experiences in transcriptional regulation, cell culture and biochemical experiments or developmental biology. Experiences with stem cell research will be a plus. Depending on previous experience and publications, a candidate molecular biologist or developmental biologist will also be considered for the laboratory manager position of the wet lab.
Both candidates must have solid publications to support their experiences and trainings.
Foreign citizens with overseas Ph.D. degrees are equally welcome and if accepted, will be awarded special fellowships. The working language in the lab is English.
Applicants can send a CV and research interests to Dr. Jing-Dong Jackie Han (Email: jdhan(at)picb.ac.cn).