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時間:2013-08-08來源:未知 作者:bjszzc



                                                            Postdoctoral Positions in Plant Molecular Biology and Genomics

Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Integrative Biology Joint Center for Genomics and Biotechnology

Fuzhou, China
Specialties: MB - Molecular Biology/ Genetics
Other Specialties: Genomics-bioinfoamtics
Application Instructions: Please submit a letter of application with a brief description of research experience, a curriculum vitae, and contact information of three references to Dr. Ray Ming through e mail at rming@life.uiuc.edu. Only those applicants who are invited to an interview will be acknowledged.
Related Web Site: http://genome.fafu.edu.cn/      
Job Contact Email: rming@life.uiuc.edu
Job Type: Postdoctoral

Full Description:
Four post-doctoral Research Associate positions are available to investigate the origin and evolution of sex chromosomes in papaya and the genomic basis of biomass yield in sugarcane. Papaya is a model system for studying the early events of sex chromosome evolution (Liu et al. 2004 Nature 427:348-352; Wang et al. 2012 PNAS 109:13710-13715) and its draft genome is available for genome wide investigation. Identification of the sex determination genes and understanding the gender determination process will have direct application on papaya improvement. Sugarcane is the most productive first generation biofuel crop, and has the potential to dramatically increase biomass yield for biofuel production. We are testing a new paradigm to accelerate energy cane breeding programs and maximize the biomass yield. Applicants should possess a Ph.D. degree in Plant Sciences, Genetics, Molecular Biology, or related field and have prior experience in molecular genetics and genomics.  The successful candidate will carry out genome sequencing,comparative genomic analysis, cloning genes of interest, and transforming target genes into papaya and sugarcane for validation. Applicants must be highly skilled in molecular and genomic techniques. Experience in bioinformatics is highly desirable. Salary will be commensurate with experience.




