Guangzhou,Chia Pia Cosma Reprogramming andRegeneration Laboratory
The Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH, is focused in research areas including stem cell and regenerative medicine, chemical biology, immunology and infectious diseases. Aimed to achieve the goal of "Healthy China" strategy and satisfy human healthdemands, GIBH is exploring disease mechanism with the cutting--‐edge technologies anddeveloping innovative protocols for disease control and prevention. It provides excellent R&D platform in biomedicine and functions as an incubator forbioengineering and pharmaceutical industries to support local economic development aswell as national strategic R&D programs. Reprogramming and Regeneration Laboratory
Pia Cosma’s group is an internationally recognized laboratory ( as main objective to investigate the mechanisms controlling the reprogramming of somatic cells, and to determine if this reprogramming contributesto tissue regeneration in higher vertebrates. Cosma’s group has discovered thatactivation of the Wnt/β--‐catenin signalling pathway enhances cell--‐fusion--‐mediated reprogramming of a variety of somatic cells and studied extensively themechanism behind (Lluis et al., Cell Stem Cell 2008; Stem Cells 2010; PNAS 2011; Aulicino et al., Stem Cell Report 2014; Marucci et al. Cell Reports 2014; De Jaime--‐Soguero et al. Plos Genetics 2017; Arumugam et al. Nature Genetics, under revision). Cosma’s group demonstrated that regeneration of the retina,dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson’s disease and of liver after hepatectomy is possiblevia Wnt controlled cell--‐fusion--‐mediated reprogramming (Sanges et al., Cell Reports2013; J. of Clinical Investigation 2016; Pesaresi et al. eBioMedicine 2018; Altarche--‐Xifro’ et al., eBioMedicine 2016; Pedone et al., Cell Reports 2017).
In addition, Cosma’s Group has a long interest in studying gene and chromatinfunction (Cantone et al, Cell 2009). Recently using super resolution microscopy (STORM),the group has identified a new model of chromatin fiber assembly and how the fiber changes in somatic and embryonic stem cells (Ricci et al. Cell 2015, Neguembor et al., NAR 2017).
We are currently studying the changes in chromatin structure and organizationduring somatic cell reprogramming and differentiation, to determine how chromatinfibers can be rearranged to overcome epigenetic barriers to gain pluripotency.
Post Description and Candidate requirements
The Cosma group is looking for a highly motivated research scientist with consolidatedexpertise in biomedicine, biophysics or related disciplines. The candidate will hold a PhDand will have experience with cell culture and imaging methods. Experience in the area ofsuper resolution microscopy and/or CRISPR/Cas engineering methods will be consideredan added value. If necessary, the successful candidate will be trained in STORM microscopy at the CRG, Barcelona, Spain for few months before to move and work at theGIBH, Guangzhou. Conditions
The offer is to cover a Postdoctoral position with a very competitive salary that will be
well matched relative to the cost of living in Barcelona and Guangzhou.
Starting Date
The fellowship will start ideally as soon as the candidate is hired.
Application Procedure
All applications must be addressed to Pia Cosma; and include a full CV withcontact details, a cover motivation letter and contacts of 2--‐3 references. Please submit your application at:
Deadline June 30 2018 (note that applications will be continually monitored)