Two ore deposit research groups, one in the Institute of Geochemistry (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang) and the other in The University of Geosciences (Wuhan), both led by Professor Mei-Fu Zhou, have multiple post-doctoral research positions available in Mineral Deposit studies. We are seeking highly motivated, enthusiastic, and hard-working scientists to pursue research on a variety of ore deposits. We expect the candidates to have field and laboratory skills in magmatic or surficial processes-related deposits. Applicants who have a good background in biology or numerical modeling are also welcome. Successful applicants must have good interpersonal skills and be willing to work in close collaboration with other scientists of our group.
The positions will be based either in Guiyang (SW China) or Wuhan (Central China); both places have a lively, friendly, and collaborative research environment. Successful candidates will have accesses to the facilities at both places and will have excellent opportunities to collaborate within national and international research networks. A competitive salary is available for up to three years (USD30,000 to 60,000 per year depending on the qualifications). Highly qualified candidates can be considered for a faculty position at a full research professor level with a highly competitive package (>60,000 USD annual salary).
Please send your application materials to Ms. Yuwei Huang (see below for contact info). You should include a brief description of your research interests and relevant experience, a CV and name of referees. For more information, please contact:
Ms. Yuwei Huang (
The State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry (SKLODG)
Institute Of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
99 West Lincheng Road, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang, Guizhou Province 550081, P.R.China