Application is invited for post-doc positions in the group of Dr. Jungnam Cho at Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology ( Cho lab is also part of Centre of Excellence for Plant and Microbial Science (, a joint research centre of Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Innes Centre ( The main research focus of Cho lab is plant genome plasticity and mobile genetic elements. Particularly, we aim to understand how transposons jump and then use this understanding to develop crops with greater resilience to stress.
The successful applicants will develop their own independent research projects, get access to state-of-the-art research facilities of SIPPE and work in an international environment. Duties of the postholders also include supervising graduate students.
- Ph.D. degree in any of the following disciplines; plant molecular biology, plant genetics, plant epigenetics, RNA biology, population genetics, computational biology.
- Excellent English communication skill.
- Strong self-motivation, responsibility, independence, teamwork and joyful mind towards science.
To apply:
Please send a CV, research statement (maximum one page) and contact details for at least two referees compiled in a single PDF file to For further information, please contact directly with Dr. Jungnam Cho (