
您的位置:中國博士人才網(wǎng) > 高校教師招聘 > 廣東高校教師招聘 > 2019年廣東汕頭大學國家級團隊招聘博士后啟事



時間:2019-01-17來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

汕頭大學理學院物理系國家級研究團隊現(xiàn)面向海內(nèi)外公開招聘博士后4名,從事高端旋轉(zhuǎn)靶材、柔性電子器件及納米材料和器件等的科研工作。本項目組是一個以興趣和產(chǎn)業(yè)化為導向充滿活力的科研團隊,期望使用混合技術(shù),將小而薄的硅芯片和柔性的傳感器及柔性薄膜電源結(jié)合起來, 在柔性光電子領(lǐng)域做一番事業(yè)。 


1. 年齡在35周歲以下,已獲得或者即將獲得物理學、材料物理、化學、電子工程及其他相關(guān)學科的博士學位; 

2. 博士期間從事平面和旋轉(zhuǎn)靶材、柔性功能薄膜包括高阻隔膜、TFTs、OLED、Micro-LED、 QLED、Solar cells、電子皮膚、柔性薄膜加熱器、電致變色器及柔性醫(yī)療貼片; 

3. 以第一作者在SCI期刊發(fā)表(中科院一區(qū))高水平論文者優(yōu)先; 

4. 有較強的獨立科研創(chuàng)新能力和團隊協(xié)作精神; 

5. 對科研工作有熱情,有強烈的進取心,可承擔全職科研工作。 





1. 若入選“廣東特支計劃”科技創(chuàng)新青年拔尖人才項目,每人每年給予50萬元生活補貼。 

2. 若入選廣東省“珠江人才計劃”中的海外青年人才引進計劃,廣東省財政將資助60萬元,分2年發(fā)放;出站后在汕頭大學工作的,廣東省財政給予每人40萬元的住房補貼。 

3. 若入選廣東粵東西北“揚帆計劃”博士后扶持項目,每人每年給予20萬元生活補貼。 


有意者請將個人簡歷,論文專著清單、科研情況概述等應(yīng)聘材料發(fā)送給汕頭大學物理系徐老師 或電話:18905111038;Email: ckxu@stu.edu.cn


Post-doc positions open in Physics Department of Shantou University 

The Physics Department in Shantou University is now looking applicants for postdoctoral positions. Prospective candidates should have received (or expect to receive soon) his or her Ph.D. in Physics, Material Physics, Chemistry, Electric Engineering or other related fields and should have a track recorded research background in flexible functional thin films and devices such as flexible TFT, OLED, e-skin and flexible thin film heaters 


1. Applicants, under the age of 35, should have obtained (or expect to obtain soon) a Ph.D. in Physics, Material Physics, Chemistry, Electric Engineering or other related fields 

2. Applicants with a research background in flexible TFTs、OLED、E-skin、Micro-LED、QLED and solar cells are highly preferred. 

3. Applicants who have published papers on high impact factor SCI journals as the first author are highly preferred. 

4. Applicants should have the ability to work independently with minimal guidance. 

5. Applicants should be highly proactive and committed to their research work and should be able to undertake a full-time job. 

Salary and benefits: 

Annual salary: ~250,000-300,000 RMB. The salary will be evaluated in accordance with the applicant’s research duty. 

Successful candidates with outstanding work performance will be preferentially considered for a faculty position in the Physics Department of Shantou University. 

For new postdoc fellows: 

(1) Those who are elected for the “Guangdong Special Support Project” to fund scientific and technological innovation top young talents will be provided with a grant of RMB 500,000 per year as living allowance. 

(2) Those who are elected for “Pearl-river Talent Funding Project” for Introducing Overseas Young Talents, A total of RMB 600,000 funding will be granted to each qualified post-doctoral fellow by the Guangdong Finance Department, in two years; The Guangdong Finance Department will allocate a housing allowance of RMB 400,000 to each who will sign a working agreement or labor contract with Shantou University after completing their research with the funding of this project. 

(3) Those who are elected by the “Sailing Project Postdoc Program” will be provided with a grant of RMB 200,000 per year as living allowance 

How to apply: 

Qualified applicants should send an CV with a list of publications, and a cover letter outlining his or her research interests to Prof. Xu by Email: ckxu@stu.edu.cn

Address: Physics Department, College of Science, Shantou University, 243 University Road, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, China 



