1 introduction
We are currently establishing a research group dedicated to the study of biological macromolecules and their behavior under different stressors, as encountered during food processing, and when used in dispersions, emulsions and gels. The research topics encompass dairy proteins and dairy ingredients, starch dispersions, novel process technologies (ultrasound and high hydrostatic pressure), and the development of physical and chemical methodologies to investigate in real-time and in-situ the changes occurring to biological macromolecules. The research group, led by Professor Yacine Hemar, is being established at the Institute of Advanced Studies at Shenzhen University.
We wish to recruit two (2) Research Associates to work in Professor Yacine Hemar Laboratory. Professor Hemar, has been recently appointed as a Distinguished Professor at the Institute of Advanced Study of Shenzhen University. He is also an Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Fundamental Sciences at Massey University, in New Zealand. Professor Hemar holds a PhD (1995) and a Habilitation to Direct Research (2008) from the University of Strasbourg in France. He has worked both in Universities and in the Dairy Industry, and more recently was the Director of the Food Science Programme at the University of Auckland, in New Zealand. He has published in excess of 200 peer-reviewed journal manuscript (with an h-Index of 44), in different areas ranging from theoretical physics to food processing.
2 job description and qualifications
Research topics: Milk proteins and peptides, polysaccharides, Food systems structure-function, Food emulsions and gels, physico-chemical and microstructural characterization.
Associate researcher 2:
1. PhD in Food Science, Biochemistry, Physics, Microbiology and related areas with at least two years post-doctoral experience.
2. Publish SCI research paper in related fields and attend an present in conferences related to the research area
3. To be able to frequently travel to the Shanghai (SSRF) and Beijing (BSFR) Synchrotron and to the China Spallation Neutron Source in Dongguan to perform SAXS and SANS experiments
4. Expertise in some (but not all) of the analytical methods such as RP-HPLC, LC-MS, Electron and Confocal microscopy, rheology, and particle sizing, FTIR, Raman, DSC
5. Knowledge of novel process technologies such as High-Pressure, Ultrasound, Pulsed Electric Field is an advantage.
6. Ability to learn light, neutrons, and x-ray scattering techniques
7. Have good academic ethics and rigorous scientific attitude
8. English proficiency is required
3 materials
1. please email your resume (including learning and working experience, major research content, paper books, awards, etc) to Professor Yacine Hemar at yhemar@szu.edu.cn, email subject: recruit for what job + name.
2. qualified candidates will be notified by phone or E-mail to attend the interview.
3. Applicants are required to provide: 1) copies of diploma, degree certificates. 2) 3 letters of recommendation 3) and a cover-letter.
4 salary and walfare
1. Associated researcher 300 to 380 thousand yuan every year, given monthly by Shenzhen University; According to the relevant regulations of Shenzhen Munnicipal government, candidates who meet the requirements of High-level talents in Shenzhen can apply for an additional tax free subsidy of 1.6 million to 3 million yuan from Shenzhen Municipal government (referring to the standard identified by Shenzhen Municipal Human Reasources and Social Security Bureau).
2. Can apply for national Natural Science Foundation of China and provincial and municipal projects as project leader during the employment period.
Please go to:
http://zp.szu.edu.cn to recruit
Register and select the type of full-time researcher recruitment and submit your resume