1. 遵守中華人民共和國法律和法規(guī),熱愛教學科研事業(yè);
2. 具有良好的師德師風,恪守學術道德,勤勉工作,無犯罪記錄,無違反師德師風和學術道德懲處記錄;
3. 一流的學術背景:具有相關學科領域的博士學位,具有一流教學科研機構的學習、工作經驗,熟悉相關領域國際前沿的研究動態(tài)。其中助理教授原則上要求博士畢業(yè)從事教學科研2年以上,條件優(yōu)異者可適當放寬;準聘副教授要求博士畢業(yè)從事教學科研4年以上;
4. 出色的教學能力:應具有能夠勝任本專業(yè)核心基礎課程和前沿課程的教學能力,掌握良好的教學方法,具有較強的語言表達能力;
5. 突出的科研成果顯示度與未來科研發(fā)展?jié)摿Γ簯邢嚓P研究方向的成果顯示度,對相關研究領域有原創(chuàng)性觀點,未來研究計劃思路清晰,具有較好的學術潛力。
1. 崗位申請信(應明確申報的研究方向、具體崗位)
2. 詳細個人簡歷(含已發(fā)表學術成果目錄)
3. 研究成果與創(chuàng)新性
4. 研究計劃與研究潛力
5. 三封推薦信
6. 教學經驗
1. 事業(yè)編制崗位或參照事業(yè)編制聘用
2. 實行年薪制(具體另行商定)
3. 科研啟動經費
4. 研究生招生
5. 學校提供短期周轉住房和住房補貼,獲聘人可優(yōu)惠購買學校提供的商品房
6. 協(xié)助子女就讀小學和中學
電子郵箱:fzq1101@nju.edu.cn ,cy2016art@nju.edu.cn
Tenure-Track Faculty Positions
The School of Arts, Nanjing University
I. About the School
The School of Arts of Nanjing University has a long history and has cultivated many talents in the field of art. It is one of the top departments in China. The School of Arts has a group of outstanding teachers. Among the 23 faculty members currently in office, there are two Yangtze River distinguished professors and two professors of the young Yangtze River scholars program. The school has established partnerships with Brown University and University of Texas in the United States, University of Florence and the University of Turin in Italy, and has hosted and participated in a number of international cooperation projects, which have international influence.
II. Positions
The School of Arts of Nanjing University plans to recruit young scholars who aspire to have a career in the field of Art Studies. The application is open to scholars from all over the world. There are vacancies for 1 tenure-track assistant professor and 1 tenure-track associate professor this year. Higher positions for particularly outstanding scholars are available and application will be considered individually. Specific fields of research open for recruitment are:
1.Art Theory
2.Art History
3.Drama, Film and Television Studies
4.Fine Arts
5.Art Communication
6.Art Education and Aesthetic Education
III. Qualifications
The applicant should
(1) abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, and have a passion for teaching and research;
(2) abide by the ethics of teachers, uphold academic integrity, be willing to work diligently, and have no criminal record or record in breaching the ethics of teachers and/or academic integrity;
(3) have a first-rate background in academic training—specifically, a PhD in relevant disciplines, experience in studying and/or working at first-rate teaching and research institutions, and knowledge of the latest international trends and development in the relevant research field(s); The applicant for Assistant Professor should have engaged in academic research for more than two years after receiving the doctoral degree. The applicant for Associate Professor should have engaged in academic research for more than four years after receiving the doctoral degree;
(4) have outstanding teaching abilities—the applicant should be able to teach core and frontline courses in the corresponding discipline, and have sound teaching methodology and strong verbal skills;
(5) demonstrate outstanding research output and potential—the applicant should have publications in his/her field of research, original ideas about relevant fields of research, a clear vision about future research plans, and good potential for further academic development.
IV. Supporting Materials for Application
(1) A letter of application (please specify the field of research and position applied for);
(2) A detailed CV (please include a list of publications);
(3) An introduction of your research results and their innovative significance;
(4) A plan for research and its prospects;
(5) Three reference letters;
(6) An account of experience in teaching.
Please login to the talent recruitment platform of Nanjing University (http://zp.nju.edu.cn/) to submit the application materials required.
V. Benefits Package
A successful applicant will be provided with:
(1) An annual salary (to be worked out individually);
(2) A start-up fund for research;
(3) Qualification to supervise graduate students;
(4) The university provides short-term lodging and housing subsidies. Applicants recruited can purchase commercial housing offered by the university at a special discount;
(5) The university provides assistance with children’s schooling at primary and secondary school levels.
VI. Application Deadline
Application deadline: August 31st, 2023
The application period will be extended appropriately if the number of the applicants for single position is relatively small.
Results are estimated to be released by the end of December 2023.
VII. Contact Details
Tel.: +86 (0)25-83593650 (Mr. Fa),+86 (0)25-83595710 (Miss. Chu)
Email: fzq1101@nju.edu.cn ,cy2016art@nju.edu.cn
Website: https://art.nju.edu.cn