ShanghaiTech University is a small scale research university of academy excellence jointly established by Shanghai Municipal Government and Chinese Academy of Sciences. The University has already recruited many high quality tenure and tenure-track faculties, graduate and undergraduate students.
崗位名稱: Assistant Professors
ShanghaiTech University is initiating a research group in high energy physics, and seeks applicants for multiple faculty appointments at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure track) in all areas of fundamental particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics, string theory and quantum field theory. The newly initiated group will be associated with School of Physical Science and technology and/or Institute of Mathematical Science in the University.
Qualifications: Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent in physics or a closely related field at the time of appointment, should demonstrate a strong record of accomplishments in physics research, and show promise in teaching as well as in future research.
ShanghaiTech University offers internationally competitive salary, generous starting funds and an additional housing benefit. Successful candidates will be expected to establish a funded and internationally recognized research program as well as teach and mentor students with excellence.
Application Instructions: Interested candidates should apply with a letter describing current and planned research and teaching activities, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, together with at least three and no more than five letters of reference.
Review of applications will begin on March 15, 2022. Applications received after that date will be reviewed until the positions are filled. Please direct all inquiries to