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Postdoctoral position in Kiryl D. Piatkevich Lab, School of

時(shí)間:2019-07-22來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名
Science Introduction of The Lab/ Research Field
The Piatkevich lab (https://www.piatkevich-lab.com/) is a multidisciplinary research group that utilizes diverse bioengineering and biochemical approaches to develop novel molecular techniques to study complex biological systems. Our ultimate goal is to develop novel scalable technologies that will offer a new paradigm for probing both functional and structural properties of biological systems to enable a better understanding of the casual correlations between activity and structure in defined cellular ensembles. We also utilize our tools for the systematic analysis of the physiological processes in vivo. After careful validation, we distribute our tools to the scientific community as freely as possible.
Job Description
Multiple postdoc positions are available in the Piatkevich lab. We are seeking independent, creative, and motivated postdoctoral candidates interested in engineering and application of innovative molecular technologies to study complex biological systems. Expertise in electrophysiology, in vivo imaging, neuroscience, microscopy, DNA/RNA biochemistry, and computational image analysis, or related areas will be the most competitive. A Ph.D. degree in a STEM field is required.
Other requirements:
1) Have obtained or about to obtain a Ph.D. degree, aged under 35.
2) Candidate’s Ph.D. degree should be obtained within 3 years.
Compensation and Benefits
The internationally competitive salary and benefits (including social insurance, medical insurance, etc.) are provided. Westlake University provides first-class research environment and infrastructure. Opportunities exist for personal career development.
How to Apply
For consideration, apply by email to Dr. Kiryl Piatkevich (kiryl.piatkevich@westlake.edu.cn) providing the following information:
1. A brief statement describing your projects, career goals, and research interests;
2. An up to date CV detailing education, research experience, skills, and publications;
3. Names and emails of three references who can provide letters of recommendation.


